Scholar Profile - 2024 Winner

Magdalena Velasco - Chile

Study: Reducing food and organic loss and waste, the feasibility and impact of food rescue programs, composting and other practices as a valuable tool for managing agricultural waste efficiently

Magdalena Velasco is the recipient of a 2024 Nuffield Scholarship supported by TIAA and the Chris Reichstein Philanthropy Fund. Magdalena will study reducing food and organic loss and waste, the feasibility and impact of food rescue programs, composting and other practices as a valuable tool for managing agricultural waste efficiently.

As deputy commercial manager at "Red de Alimentos", a private non-profit organization that created the first food bank in Chile back in 2010, Magdalena unites companies and people in vulnerable situations by rescuing food and personal hygiene products, to distribute to those who need them most.

Since 2010, Red de Alimentos has rescued 70,000 tons of products and 253,000 people have been helped, thus also avoiding the generation of waste and the emission of greenhouse gases. Magdalena oversees rescuing fruits, vegetables and foods and has a portfolio of more than 100 companies.

"I would like to research which waste management practices are being used in agricultural fields and food processors in other countries, what is done with surplus, how do food banks work in other countries and which of these practices are replicable in Chile.
"Reducing food loss and waste is an important global issue that addresses several interconnected problems such as hunger and food security, climate change and economic sustainability."

Magdalena will visit Australia and USA, which both have increased composting initiatives, Japan, which has food banks and a robust food recycling law, and Germany, which is a leader in composting and organic waste management.
Magdalena has a Diploma in Business Management from Pontifical Catholic University of Chile and a Degree in Agricultural Engineering.

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