Scholar Profile - 2020 Winner

Ingrid Caron - Brazil

Study: How production systems under challenging climate and environmental conditions implement more efficient models for cattle nutrition via forage plants

Ingrid Caron, from Goias in Brazil, receives a scholarship supported by TIAA-CREF Global Agriculture. Ingrid will research how production systems under challenging climate and environmental conditions, such as those of the Brazilian Cerrado, implement sustainable and more efficient models for cattle nutrition via forage plants (genetics, use of unconventional plants and alternative managements). This is as a result of her involvement in her family's cattle ranch.

Her professional work is divided into two operations: 1) Production of beef calves. At Fazenda da Grota, she works with the production of Nelore calves and crosses between other breeds for the fine meat market. It is a medium ranch, working with approximately 500 cows in the breeding season. She is responsible for breeding operations, nutritional management, purchases, payments and pasture fertilisation planning. 2) Certification Services. Her family operates two agricultural
certification companies, focused on organic certification programs, international and national standards and her role is Technical and Quality Director.

Ingrid has a Postgraduate in Beef Cattle Production - Rehagro (dec/2020), and Agriculture Engineering (ESALQ/USP - 2015). Ingrid is also Commission Coordinator for the Organic Production State Commission (CPOrg/Gois). She is also a member of Grupo FAZ - Sucessoras do Agro (Formosa/GO), a group constituted by women successors of family-owned agriculture businesses.

For her scholarship, she will travel to Texas, Oklahoma and Arizona in the United States of America as these regions have climate and environmental conditions close to the conditions of central Brazil. She will also visit Australia and New Zealand.

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