Scholar Profile - 2018 Winner

Artur Falcette - Brazil

Active in production agriculture, Artur manages Sap Agropastoril Ltda, a 5,500ha operation that produces soybeans, corn, oats, beef cattle, Brangus genetic production (registered bulls, cows and embryos), sugar cane, poultry, dairy cattle and technological tourism with a team of 38 employees. He is also a business partner at a consulting company focused on agribusiness management.

Artur graduated in Agribusiness Management at the Federal University of Viosa-MG, has a MBA in Strategic Management of Agribusiness at Fundao Getlio Vergas (FGV) and a postgraduate degree in Strategic Business Leadership at Ohio University in the United States. In addition, he has specific training in people management, strategic planning and balanced scorecard (BSC).

As a Nuffield Scholar, Artur will investigate how the diversification of production, as well as its integration, is happening in different agribusiness players of the world. His goal of this work is to create benchmarking models for producers of all production scales and scopes.

Nufarm Brasil is supporting Artur's scholarship.

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